第2部分:教员管理 and the 教师 Senate



The principle of shared governance in universities is long established by tradition and was formalized in the 1966 Joint Statement on Government of 大学 and Universities, jointly formulated by the American Association of University Professors, 美国教育委员会, and the Association of Governing Boards of Universities and 大学 (see http://www.美国Colleges.org/report/statement-government-colleges-and-universities).  The Joint Statement affirms that the academic institution is a "joint effort," requiring communication and consultation among all constituencies, and addresses the distinctive responsibilities of trustees, 政府, 教师, 工作人员, and students in university governance.

The distinctive responsibility of the 教师 is the academic mission of the university.  In particular, the joint statement asserts: 

The 教师 has primary responsibility for such fundamental areas as curriculum, subject matter and methods of instruction, 研究, 教师的地位, and those aspects of student life which relate to the educational process. On these matters the power of review or final decision lodged in the governing board or delegated by it to the president should be exercised adversely only in exceptional circumstances and for reasons communicated to the 教师.


The UNH 教师 Senate is the legislative body that reviews and develops policies concerned with the academic mission of the university.  The 教师 Senate’s Constitution and Bylaws provides for the 教师 to exercise the above-mentioned responsibility through elected 教师 Senate members. The 教师 Senate is designed to work in close communication and collaboration with the Board of Trustees, principal administrators and the Council of Deans, the PAT and Operating 工作人员 Councils, 和学生会, each of which have their own distinctive responsibilities as well as overlapping areas of concern.  More information about the UNH 教师 Senate, 其章程及细则, 委员会结构, 目标, 议程, 分钟可以在 http://www.主要Research.edu/fac-senate/


All tenure track 教师 are represented by the UNH Chapter of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP-UNH) in matters of salaries, 好处, 工作环境, and other terms and conditions of employment.  AAUP-UNH is the exclusive agent for collective bargaining negotiation and in the settlement of grievances regardless of whether the 教师 involved are dues-paying members of the union. As stated on the website, the 目标 of the UNH AAUP are:

加强学院管治, provide fair procedures for resolving grievances, promote the economic well-being of the 教师, 维护学术自由. 

请访问 http://美国大学-主要研究.org 了解更多信息. 


The Extension Educator Council (EEC) examines issues that affect Extension Educators as employees of the 澳门葡京网赌游戏. The Extension Educator classification includes the job titles of Extension Field Specialist and Extension State Specialist. The EEC represents UNH Extension Educators in UNH administrative affairs. Individuals representing the EEC serve on the System Personnel Policy Committee and on UNH committees of importance to Extension Educators. 更多的信息


UNH Lecturer 教师 are represented by Lecturers United (UNHLU), a national AAUP-affiliated union at UNH.  For more information, please visit http://www.主要Researchlecturersunited.org/.  An updated agreement between the UNHLU and UNH was reached effective July 2022.  This contract is a useful reference for Lecturers seeking information on a variety of employment topics such as 好处, 叶子, 晋升过程. 

2.6     研究 教师 Council and University Policies Relating to 研究 教师

The 研究 教师 Council was formally recognized by President Huddleston in July 2013 and is guided by a set of By-Laws.  The 研究 教师 Council provides a structure and forum for 研究 教师 to strengthen and broaden 研究 and engagement across UNH, to interact across departments and colleges, and to contribute to entrepreneurial initiatives.

The Office of the Senior Vice Provost for 研究 has compiled information about employment policies and procedures that impact UNH 研究 教师 in particular.  请参阅 http://www.主要Research.edu/Research/Research/Research-Faculty for more information on topics such as responsibilities and privileges, 任命, 招聘过程, 年度审核, 促销活动, 补偿, and 好处 as they apply to 研究 教师. 


Clinical 教师 are represented by an elected, university-wide council. 
