










    局部变化. 国家网络.

    影响学期是一个完整的学期, credit-bearing internship program educating and empowering undergraduates to be problem solvers of tomorrow. 对所有UNH学生开放, SFI matches students with a 30-hour/week internship in New Hampshire's social change sector (non-profits, 使命驱动的利润, and government agencies) and awards up to 16 UNH credits toward your degree.

    借鉴成功和资源的 城市学期 波士顿的计划, 并与其他新英格兰机构合作, SFI students will be forming a diverse and multi-talented national cohort dedicated to social change. 

    需要经济资助才能参加影响学期? 这个项目有资格获得 公平经验奖学金 (最高5000美元帮助你参与). 教师- - - - - - 在这里提名一个学生!

    重要的日子 & 提醒


    最后: 4月15日(截止日期延长)



    亚历克斯·约翰逊 (亚历克斯.Johnson@collegeforsocialinnovation.org )from 社会创新学院, or talk with your advisor for additional questions.



    • 与UNH一个学期的学费相同(可申请经济资助)!)
    • 与 专门的导师/主管
    • 周三晚间在线课程(可选)
    • 混合周五研讨会/反思工作坊
    • 保持你目前的住房(校内或校外)
    • 参与联合国大学的俱乐部和活动
    • 在你的社区留下遗产
    • 酷津贴: 
      •  $595.00英镑的津贴,以帮助支付学期的费用
      •  发布周迷你会议期间的交通和住宿
      •  约2000美元的职后教育奖励
      •  进入美国服务队的国家服务雇主网络, 谁优先雇佣美国志愿队的校友
      •  Opportunities to connect with state and national leaders in civic service



    UNH students must meet the following requirements in order to participate in 影响学期: 

    • 学生可以在大二的时候申请参加, 初级, 或者大四, 有一个声明的专业*和2.5 cumulative UNH GPA or higher**, with priority given to students with above 3.0.  
      • *Undeclared students are eligible to be considered by petition and must have at least 12 earned UNH credits at time of study away.
      • ** GPA在2分之间的学生.0-2.5人有资格通过请愿被考虑. 
    1. 请填写一份 UNH出国留学学生资格表, 确认你的学习成绩良好, 金融, 以及司法地位, 你会以正面的形象代表联合国大学.  Fill out the top portion of the form and submit it to the Dean's Office for your College.  
    2. 国际学生必须获得 授权 来自国际学生办公室 & 澳门葡京网赌游戏参加学期影响.

    影响学期 students will serve with leading social sector organizations (non-profits, 使命驱动的利润, 以及政府机构)每周四天, 15周.  


    每个位置都会有所不同, but each student will have a dedicated mentor – a hand-selected high-performing, 高潜力的领导人. 学生 will spend roughly 20 percent of their time shadowing senior leaders, 他们40%的时间在为组织做一线服务, 40%的人在做一个特殊的项目. 影响学期 students will gain 400+ hours of work-based learning, allowing students to learn more about themselves and their passions while also building their skills and their networks.



    学生 will attend a 3-day workshop in Boston at the beginning of the semester to begin building cohort identity, 的关系, 并开始培训如何解决问题. 

    INCO 505I: 400小时社会变革实习

    学生 accepted to the program will be matched with an internship in a NH community (seacoast or Manchester-Nashua metropolitan area) that is focused on social change. All internships will be with a nonprofit, social mission business, or government agency. Internship sites will be developed and uniquely tailored to students' interests.

    学生 will work full time Monday through Thursday at their internship site doing meaningful work and being part of the team. 在本学期的课程中, 学生将直接获得, intentional mentorship from social change leaders and complete a scaffolded special project for their host organization. 

    INCO 505A:成为问题解决者(周五工作坊)

    在星期五, interns will begin to develop their professional identity and understand how to navigate the workplace as they get a feel for their career path. 实习生将与同行互动, identify and leverage their strengths and share their internship experiences. 通过“成为问题解决者”课程, students will get experience solving problems within the workplace and within the nonprofit and social organization sector.

    This course will be in a hybrid modality - with part of Friday online alongside students enrolled in 城市学期 in Boston and in 影响学期 at other institutions, 另一部分发生在校园里, 面对面. 

    INCO 505B: Social Innovator's Toolbox (optional Wednesday evening seminar)

    This course will expose students to the concepts and practices associated with social innovation and social entrepreneurship – i.e., 发展壮大新, 可持续发展的, 和可扩展的方法,以主要的社会, 经济, 以及社会面临的环境挑战. 学生 will learn a variety of tools and methods used for the development, 实现, 管理, and assessment of social solutions that they will be able to use over the course of their careers. This course provides the theoretical foundation and academic counterpart to their Internship and to the Becoming a Problem Solver course. 本课程将强调系统性, 跨学科, and often cross-sector nature of both the problems and their solutions.

    *If a 影响学期 student would like to take a different UNH course in place of Social Innovator's Toolbox (in order to fulfill a requirement), 他们可能会选择这样做. 



    • 在INCO 505I下完成400小时的实习,获得8个实习学分
    • 4 academic credits under INCO 505A for the Becoming a Problem Solver course
    • 4 academic credits under INCO 505B for the Social Innovator's Toolbox course (Discovery Attribute: Social Science)

    If a student needs to take a regular UNH course to maintain a trajectory (i.e. 在修完SPAN 401之后修完SPAN 402)或满足要求, they may do so instead of taking the Social Innovator's Toolbox course. 然而, the INCO 505I internship credit and the INCO 505A credit for Becoming a Problem Solver are both requirements of this program.

    在某些情况下, all or some of the credits will also count toward academic major or minor requirements and/or core distribution requirements. View the list of pre-approved majors that accept 影响学期 credits. 一定要和你的学术顾问或系主任谈谈, 即使你的部门不在名单上.


    这个项目的费用与UNH一个学期的费用相同! You continue paying your standard tuition and mandatory fees and there are NO special fees. 学生 maintain their existing arrangements (housing, food, personal expenses, etc).  联合国大学将继续提供财政援助. 

    经济利益 & 津贴

    • $595.00英镑的津贴,以帮助支付学期的费用
    • 发布周迷你会议期间的交通和住宿
    • 约2000美元的职后教育奖励
    • 进入美国服务队的国家服务雇主网络, 谁优先雇佣美国志愿队的校友
    • Opportunities to connect with state and national leaders in civic service


    在提交申请时,点击下面的链接, 你将被带到我们的非营利性附属机构的网站, 社会创新学院, 为影响学期项目提供便利吗.

    The application consists of several sections and most students complete it in less than 30 minutes.


    • 简历或领英个人资料
    • 2篇参考文献(非推荐)
    • 对简短问题的回答

    您还必须完成 UNH出国留学资格表.

    You'll also have an opportunity to indicate your placement preferences and tell us about the social issues that matter to you on your application and during the interview.
