
Thank you for your interest in working as a Residence Hall Director at the 澳门葡京网赌游戏. 我们知道“适合”这个概念在求职过程中是非常重要的. That is why we have loaded our website with tons of information about working and living 在这里 at UNH. 所以坐好,尽情了解我们吧.


The Hall Director position at the 澳门葡京网赌游戏 is a generalist position which provides a good foundation for future work in student affairs. 大厅主任花时间专注于各种工作任务在他们的大厅, 其中许多课程侧重于与学生的个人发展接触. 整体, 我们努力创造一种有趣的体验, 多样化的, 具有挑战性的, 自主和整体. We hope that about half of a Hall Director’s time will be spent engaging in either a reactive manner (conduct, 室友冲突, 等.)或积极主动的态度(个人行为、编程、课程规划等).). 另外50%的时间应该足够满足他们的工作期望.  T在这里 will be times when more than 40 hours per week will be necessary (opening) and other times when less than 40 hours per week may be appropriate.


我们预计在2024年秋季开业. 为了申请预期的空缺,请通过USNH网站申请 在这里. We will begin reviewing applications on an on-going basis and will let well-qualified candidates know when we have an official vacancy. 如果您对流程有疑问,请联系 斯蒂芬·瑞瓦德 at 斯蒂芬。.Rivard@hzjly.net.


当我们说穿得随意时,我们是认真的! 基本上, 我们希望你过得舒服, 我们想知道你到底是谁, 所以如果你想打扮一下, 细... 如果没有,也没关系. 你会发现大多数面试官都会穿得很随意. 最后一件事:UNH是一个步行的校园,所以确保你有舒适的鞋子.

We actively recruit a 多样化的 candidate pool for both our professional and student staff positions. 我们注意到澳门葡京网赌游戏的人口结构, 新罕布什尔州, 我们的员工和我们努力为我们的员工和学生创造一个多样化的环境. We recognize the positive impact that diversity brings to all of our staff members and students.

另外, we know that for some professional and student staff members from minoritized social identities, 了解该地区的资源和社区内的支持非常重要. We work very closely with our staff to help them find the resources and support networks they need and want. 想了解更多澳门葡京网赌游戏在新罕布什尔州生活和工作的信息,请花点时间回顾一下 联合国大学的人力多样性资源指南.

我们对多样性的承诺, 股本, inclusion and social justice is transparent in the work we do and the relationships we nurture in the department, 大学, 以及周围的社区. 我们承认有时我们都会犯错误, 但要从这些错误和它们造成的伤害中吸取教训, 然后我们一起前进. We look forward to seeing the work our students do and seeing them grow in this 多样化的 community.

在UNH,我们致力于你的职业发展. To that end, 宿舍主任 have the opportunity to join specialized committees. These committees allow each Hall Director to pursue a topic they are excited about outside of the normal day to day tasks of being a RHD. RHDs can choose to serve on a second team or committee, inside or outside of 住宅生活. This not only allows each RHD to share their unique talents and passions with our department and the division, 但也给了培训师一个发展新技能的机会.



该委员会制定交付方法, 回顾学习成果, and generally helps ensure that curriculum development by individual RHDs is supported with the tools they need. 


The Inclusive Excellence Committee strives to bring continual Departmental support and education in the areas of social justice and multicultural education for student and professional staff.


The RHDs on this committee will be challenged to understand the latest student leadership research; train-the-trainer by facilitating RHD department meeting sessions; collaborate with the office of Student 领导 and Development; and develop hall council leadership modules. RHDs may be involved with advising Campus Living Association (CLA) or other student leadership outreach roles. 


The RA订婚 Committee focuses on both large-scale training events such as training, 以及开发RA浓缩等较小的项目. They also plan fun engagement activities like our department’s annual Fall Fest and Winter Wonderland Party.


The RA的选择 Committee works year-round to effectively recruit our 148 new and returning RAs.

It is our intention and commitment to work with each RHD individually to help identify and develop professional skills and experiences needed to be successful in the RHD position and in the field.  This is done by completing the RHD 专业发展 Plan each September with your supervisor. rhd与他们的主管一起制定目标和行动步骤. RHDs are asked to describe the kind of support they will need to implement their personalized plan. Their plan will indicate what professional development activities they will commit to for the year.  Supervisors weave the plan into their ongoing supervision discussions throughout the year. 每个RHD的计划都是不同的,但都是具体而明确的.

We are convinced these plans and our developmental supervision approach lead to success in the RHD position and also contribute to the success of our RHDs when they move on from UNH.  Many staff identify areas of specialty they want to develop while at UNH in order to launch them into their future direction.  我们有员工转到住宿生活部门工作, 领导力发展, 司法事务, 学术顾问及其他学生事务职位.

T在这里 is a new staff group that meets on a regular basis to learn UNH specific policies and procedures as well as create a strong cohort of new hall directors to our campus.  目前由一名中心工作人员和一名经验丰富的大厅主任协调.

  • 由总统委员会多元化小组赞助的同事午餐会
  • 全司委员会的成员
  • 参与宿舍生活以外的办公室活动
  • 联合国大学非学位证书课程
  • 联合国儿童基金会社会正义教育者培训
  • 出席国家、地区和地方会议
  • 在国家、地区和地方会议上发表演讲
  • 资金购买资源和加入专业组织

每名注册主任最初获拨款共900元,用于专业发展.  These funds can be used toward a professional conference or a training opportunity that is related to the field.  Within this allotment, RHDs can spend up to $100 to become a member of a professional organization. RHDs are also eligible to apply for additional funding through UNH grants after having worked at UNH for one year.


  • 起薪视经验而定,但起薪为$34,600
  • 这是一个为期10个月的职位,从7月底到5月底.
  • 一间家具齐全的公寓和一间员工办公室, 用部门发给的笔记本电脑和打印机, 加上无线和以太网接入.  
  • 在学校上课的时候有一个完整的膳食计划. 看到 UNH餐饮膳食计划 了解更多信息.
  • 经署长批准,公屋住户的伴侣可入住.
  • 免费泊车许可证,适用于屋宇署认可的停车位.


  • 提供全额大学福利(包括但不限于医疗), 牙科, 及人寿保险, 以及参与退休计划, 等.).
  • Medical benefits are effective on the first day of the month following date of appointment.
  • Tuition benefits include up to five courses per year (eligible after six-month probationary period). 配偶和符合条件的同性伴侣学费减免50%(一年后符合条件).
  • 退休福利.
  • 大学福利充分说明


  • 新罕布什尔州没有广泛征收销售税或所得税... 所以你可以保留更多的收入.
  • 访问哈默尔娱乐中心的校园娱乐设施, 校园里的娱乐设施.  Although t在这里 is a membership fee for staff, some University HMOs will cover this expense.
  • 当然,这一切都坐落在古色古香的新英格兰小镇 达勒姆,新罕布什尔州位于波士顿以北一小时车程,大西洋以西十英里处!

