
Welcome to 主要研究 first-year students and transfers.  我们很高兴你能来!  Below are some hot tips on how to navigate your new academic culture!

Picture of academic mentors at 主要研究 admitted students resource fair


  •  CFAR peer academic mentors share what they wish they had known once arriving on campus!
  • Remember, you don't need to figure it all out by yourself.


  • CFAR knows the best ways to study for classes at the university level and we want to see you succeed in all facets of being a Wildcat!

Your first year is more than grade 13

This information is borrowed from the University of Delaware's 学术充实办公室. CFAR can assist with your transition to 主要研究 and make sure it's as smooth as possible!  Expand the sections below to learn more about the differences between high school and college:

在高中…… 在大学里…
  • Will update you on what to expect throughout the course.
  • Will provide a syllabus at the beginning of the semester with all course information, policies and due dates for you to regularly reference. 
  • 会检查你完成的作业吗.
  • Will assume you have mastered your homework for exams. 
  • 会提醒你未完成的工作吗. 
  • Will not remind you of incomplete work. 
  • Will approach you if they think you need help.
  • Will ask you to initiate contact if you need help.
  • Will be available before, during and after class for questions.
  • Will request that you come to office hours or set up an appointment if you have questions. 
  • Will provide you with information you miss when absent.
  • Will expect that you to get notes from others when you’ve missed class.
  • Will present material to help you understand the textbook.
  • Will not follow the text, but require you to read and relate it to in-class material. 
  • Will write information on the board to be copied as your notes. 
  • Will trust you to decide what needs to be written down. 
  • Will supply facts and help you process and make connections to material.
  • Will expect you to think about/synthesize seemingly unrelated topics

在高中…… 在大学里…
  • Can be accomplished in a few hours per week.
  • Can take 2-3 hours per credit every week, or approximately 30-45 hours per week for a 15-credit semester.
  • Can be completed in one sitting because material is less detailed. 
  • Can involve regular review of information on an ongoing basis because material is more detailed.
  • Can require short assignments that are discussed and often re-taught in class. 
  • Can require substantial reading and writing that may not be revisited in class. 

在高中…… 在大学里…
  • Are frequent and cover small amounts of material.
  • Are usually only given 2-3 times and may be cumulative or cover large amounts of material. 
  • Are accompanied by study guides. 
  • Are not accompanied by study guides. Instead, professors expect you to organize the material and prepare yourself.
  • Are often able to be made-up if you missed the original date. 
  • 很少能被弥补吗.
  • Are frequently rearranged to avoid conflict with school events.
  • Are usually scheduled without regard to demands of other courses or activities.
  • Are successfully completed if you can remember facts and information as it was provided to you.
  • Are successfully completed if you can apply what you’ve learned to real situations or to solving new kinds of problems.

在高中…… 在大学里…
  • 能完成大部分分配的工作吗.
  • Are limited to major projects and exams.
  • Are supplemented by extra credit projects to help raise your grade. 
  • Are not supplemented by extra credit. 
  • Are based on the guiding principle that effort counts.
  • Are based on the guiding principle that results count.

在高中…… 在大学里…
  • Is facilitated by anyone who sees you need it, whether or not you want it. 
  • Is available when you ask your professors or other on-campus offices.  

在高中…… 在大学里…
  • 学校是强制性和免费的.
  • 上学是自愿的,而且费用昂贵.
  • 时间是别人计划的. 
  • 时间是由你来管理的. 
  • Responsibilities and priorities are set and managed with the help of family and teachers.
  • Responsibilities and priorities are set and managed by you. 
  • Behavior is corrected by family and teachers, minimizing the consequences of bad decisions. 
  • 行为不被他人纠正, meaning that you must take responsibility for your actions or inactions and face the consequences. 


  • 走出去
  • 接受改变
  • 依靠别人
  • 愿意说“是”!"
  • 参加俱乐部和组织!
  • 和你的教授联系
  • 不要拖延 
  • 保持思想开放!


If you are a student with a documented disability: medical, 物理, 学习, 或者情绪障碍, check out the services available through 学生无障碍服务 (SAS). 了解更多有关 这里的住宿流程!  For students (and their families) impacted by 学习 disabilities and/or 执行功能ing diagnoses, 看看地标学院的“Guide to Assessing College Readiness."  This great resource acts as a skills inventory in five foundational areas: academic skills, 自我理解(元认知), 维护自己的权利, 执行功能, 动力和信心!