Categories of Manuscripts

Authors of all manuscripts should read carefully the  WRITING GUIDELINES, especially for the use and non-use of technical language.  

Research briefs offer readers a snapshot of a research project and do not include a comprehensive discussion of results. These are published in the fall edition of Inquiry only and run approximately 1000 words. Authors of research briefs may also publish a research article or commentary on the same research topic in the spring issue. Research briefs may be written by current UNH undergraduates and recent graduates.  

Research articles describe research and creative projects carried out in all disciplines. Inquiry does not accept works of fiction, drama, or poetry; however, the process of creating such works and the research involved may be an acceptable subject. Articles must include a discussion of results, even if those results were unanticipated. In final form, articles run approximately 2500 words and are published in the spring issue of Inquiry only. Articles may be written by current UNH undergraduates and recent graduates. See the research articles in the current and past issues of Inquiry for examples of format and style.

Commentaries address and offer opinions on a variety of issues related to research, scholarship, and mentoring. These might include the social and political implications of a line of research, personal experiences in research or mentoring, the application of an academic theory to current events, the influence of undergraduate research on future careers—or something entirely different. Commentaries are not required to include a discussion of results. They are published in the spring issue only and run approximately 1500 words. Commentaries may be written by current undergraduates and all UNH graduates, regardless of graduation year. See the commentaries in the current and past issues of Inquiry for examples of subject and approach.

Feature articles can cover an array of subjects: profiles of student researchers or faculty mentors; descriptions of current research projects; and discussions of research challenges, ethics, or methodology are a few examples. Feature articles are usually written by members of the student editorial board and run approximately 2000 words. Ideas from readers for features are welcomed. Please send ideas to