Editorial and Revision Process

准备一个 调查 article for publication is a collaboration between authors, 编辑器s, and faculty mentors. 的作者 调查 articles often begin with a report or essay describing their research experiences and results in a specific academic discipline, such as microbiology or studio art. Their audience is mentors, 老师, 同学们, 和他的同事们, all of whom are familiar with the terms and concepts of the discipline. 已发布的 调查, article, 然而, must speak to a much wider audience: to the educated general public and academic audiences worldwide.

调查 编辑器s are members of that wider audience and can tell an author when a concept, 过程, or term is or is not clear. 经常, they will propose revised sentences, a different subject organization, reordering of paragraphs—all to help the author effectively develop and convey his/her subject. They also challenge the author to make his/her research interesting and relevant. The many drafts and revisions involved afford a learning experience for everyone.  

Before authors are accepted, they respond to submission questions and discuss their responses with a senior staff 编辑器. Final acceptance is based on subsequent submission of a complete first draft. (见 提交.)

研究 briefs are published in both the fall and spring issues of 调查. 通常, these briefs require two to three rounds of revision and mentor approval before publication.  

研究 articles and commentaries are published in the spring issue of 调查. For these longer pieces of writing, more extensive writing and revising are required. Author/staff 编辑器 teams work together beginning in late fall semester and continuing 通过 March of spring semester. 在此期间, student 编辑器s and mentors also review drafts and verify the research methods and results described. Authors can expect to perform four to five rounds of revision on articles and commentaries. 工作人员 编辑器s offer guidance and try to ensure that both authors and student 编辑器s are learning how to better communicate and express themselves.

Before any piece of writing 发表, authors and mentors must sign a Publication Agreement. (见下文.)

9月 通过 11月: 工作人员 编辑器s gather submissions. A student 编辑器ial board is assembled and meets. Student 编辑器s interview each other for short biographies.

10: 提交 are selected for the fall and spring issues, and authors begin (or complete) the revision 过程.

11月下旬: 的秋季刊 调查 发表.

December–February: Author/编辑器 teams continue the revision 过程 通过 several drafts with the goal of achieving a final draft by March 1. Student 编辑器s and mentors provide feedback. Selection and captioning of photos also take place during this time. Editors interview authors and mentors and draft short biographies.

3月: An outside proofreader reviews final drafts. 工作人员 编辑器s design the website. Authors and mentors approve the final version of their articles and sign a publication agreement.

4月初: A test site goes up for all involved in the issue to review. A week later, the spring issue of 调查 发表.

Although 编辑器s play a large role in the development of an article, authors and their mentors are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the final content. The authors and their mentors must sign a PUBLICATION AGREEMENT before the issue goes online. An author signature verifies that the work submitted is the author’s own, and that the author has read and agrees with the points about responsibility for publication in professional journals, the uses of published work for UNH publicity purposes, 的权利 调查 staff to edit all submissions. For some commentaries, the signature of the faculty mentor or principal teacher may not be required.